
Showing posts from October, 2022


Hello, welcome to another Blog post. Today, I will talk about Impersonators. Now, I normally do not get impersonated but I feel like I should state this before we get Impersonated. Lets talk about it. BOTS: Scam discord servers has been increasing rapidly using impersonated bots. I want to tell you that NONE of our bots will NEVER ASK YOU TO SCAN A QR CODE WITH THE DISCORD APP. Below is our official discord bots and their user IDS: - Meowbahh Bot#7828 (972161452133728256) - Bella the Wolf#5926 (924910803428196353) - Lisa Gaming Roblox#7225 (924910621085040690) - Anti-Idiot Bot#9635 (985998562573832262) Our other real bots would be in our discord server which the one and only legit Idiot Creature Hater Studios discord server is: . The owner would be Idiot Creature Hater#2255 (757827467657478245) and the Server ID would be 974105274912763924 SOCIAL MEDIA: Here it the following Social Media pages we have: Youtube: