
Very Productive March and April

Hello everyone. So during March 2023 and April 2023, I felt very productive during theses months like they are the most productive months for me. I have accomplished a lot of things during these 2 months and am very proud of my accomplishments. I will go over most of the stuff I have done during March 2023 and April 2023. Here is a list of stuff I have done during these 2 months. 1. Created a revolt server. You can join it here: 2. An early access prototype of Five Night at Idiots is out: (still looking for voice actors for phone guy) 3. I came back to Idiot Creature Wars. Follow my game page: (game should be released somewhere mid April 2023 or the beginning of May 2023.) 4. I made my own Idiot ChatBot API for people to use in their own projects. The API is built into my Idiot Bots. Github: Documentation: https://idiotcreatu

Discord vs Guilded vs Slack vs

Hello. This this blog, I will tell you which chat messaging platform is the best. Discord, Guilded, Slack, or If you have no idea what any of these platforms are, they are basically chat messaging apps where you can talk with people but all focus of different things. Discord and revolt focuses on communities, Guilded for gamers, and Slack for businesses. In this article, I will compare each platform and see which one of these platforms is the best. I will also give each platform points based on the place they are in per part of the messaging application. 1st place will recieve 3 points, 2nd place will recieve 2 points and 3rd place will recieve 1 point. And of course, 4th place gets 0 points. Note: The comparasion has been made on March 2023. PROFILE CUSTOMIZATION: Lets start with profile customization. With Discord, you can have a username, profile picture, about me (max 190 characters), Ability to add social media connections, and custom banner color for free. If you pay

Double Counter. A discord bot to NOT use

You may have know a Discord bot called Double Counter#8519. This bot is apperently a discord bot to detect alts from joining your server. This seems like a good idea, however with this bot and how it works, things go really bad. In this blog, I will explain how bad this bot is and I will list alternative verification bots that will do a better job with verification. So, if you look at the bot's about me, it reads: "Double Counter is the best alt account and raid blocker on Discord. We provide instant verification based on IP, cookies and much more. Double Counter is your best all-in-one security bot." When the bot says it is based on IP, this becomes a BIG RED FLAG for 2 big reasons. One reason using IP addresses is a big red flag for server verification is that this could affect people who have like siblings or people who live in the same household as you. Obviously if you have multiple people living in the same household, you would be sharing the WIFI which would put yo


Hello, welcome to another Blog post. Today, I will talk about Impersonators. Now, I normally do not get impersonated but I feel like I should state this before we get Impersonated. Lets talk about it. BOTS: Scam discord servers has been increasing rapidly using impersonated bots. I want to tell you that NONE of our bots will NEVER ASK YOU TO SCAN A QR CODE WITH THE DISCORD APP. Below is our official discord bots and their user IDS: - Meowbahh Bot#7828 (972161452133728256) - Bella the Wolf#5926 (924910803428196353) - Lisa Gaming Roblox#7225 (924910621085040690) - Anti-Idiot Bot#9635 (985998562573832262) Our other real bots would be in our discord server which the one and only legit Idiot Creature Hater Studios discord server is: . The owner would be Idiot Creature Hater#2255 (757827467657478245) and the Server ID would be 974105274912763924 SOCIAL MEDIA: Here it the following Social Media pages we have: Youtube:


 Hello. I want to make a blog showing a scam alert. This is the QR code scam. This takes place when a friend or someone else would DM you saying that you did screwed up stuff with a girl and tells you look at a server in a "#exposing" channel. This whole scam this started just not to long ago it seems. It would look something like this: Credits to here: When you join these servers, you wll be taken to a verify channel (the only channel in the server) and tells you to verify yourself. Like this. However, when you click the verify button on the "Wick" bot, you are greeted with a QR code that you need to scan in the Discord Mobile app. Whatever you do, DO NOT SCAN THIS QR CODE!. This QR code would send your Discord account information to the scammers that will allow them to log in to your account to scam other people and possibly buy nitro if you have a payment method connected to your account. Now I did found a cou

Welcome to the Blog

 Welcome to the Idiot Creature Hater Cult Blog. Now I will tell you what this blog page will have. This blog page will show some blogs about The Idiot Creature Hater Cult content and blogs about my Meowbahh bot which will soon be avaliable in bot lists. This is the offical blog for The Idiot Creature Hater so if you see blogs claiming to be us, they are impersonators. Also our real Youtube channel is: Thank you for reading. I know this is short but at least you know all about this blog. MY SOCIAL MEDIAS: Twitter: Tiktok: Subreddit: Gamejolt: Soundcloud: P.S.: To prevent bots in the comments, only people with google accounts can comment on my blog comments.