Very Productive March and April

Hello everyone. So during March 2023 and April 2023, I felt very productive during theses months like they are the most productive months for me. I have accomplished a lot of things during these 2 months and am very proud of my accomplishments. I will go over most of the stuff I have done during March 2023 and April 2023.

Here is a list of stuff I have done during these 2 months.

1. Created a revolt server. You can join it here:

2. An early access prototype of Five Night at Idiots is out: (still looking for voice actors for phone guy)

3. I came back to Idiot Creature Wars. Follow my game page: (game should be released somewhere mid April 2023 or the beginning of May 2023.)

4. I made my own Idiot ChatBot API for people to use in their own projects. The API is built into my Idiot Bots.



5. I have made a few videos on my Youtube channels within this month. Here is my favorite video I made this month:

6. Meowbahh Simulator Demo v0.2 has been released:

7. I created a Twitch account just in case I decide to do livestreams:

During April,

1. I have released Idiot Creature Wars (with the 1.0.1 patch update during this month)

2. Have put my Anti-NFT Chrome Extension on (Starting from Version 0.3.1). The Anti-NFT Google chrome extension can be downloaded here:

3. Released the 1 hour version of the spinning Toilets, tin cans, and houseflies meme for idiot creatures:

4. My Anti-Idiot bot has been approved on a reopening of a small botlist here:

5. Started developing an app for Idiot Creature Hater Studios that will have video demos, the Good User City Roblox experience map, my best music edits, and more. The app can be found on here:

And now I feel like May will be another productive month because I am making a new bot project called 39 which is based on Five Nights with 39 as well as the progress for my new app is coming along nicely. Stay tuned for that.

If you like to talk to me, here are my servers:

So why not join?:

Guilded Server Invite:

Sign up to Guilded here:

Revolt Server invite:


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